What should baby wear to sleep?A baby should wear a tank top or a T-shirt to bed, a diaper and a sleep sack with a swaddle.Dec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
Bamboo Pajamas for Your BabySoftness will matter to your baby. Bamboo material is the softest on the market, and the fibers are highly durable and soft when put into a…Nov 17, 2021Nov 17, 2021
Bamboo clothing for babiesBamboo clothing is excellent for your baby since it is antibacterial. Bamboo fibers have a way of keeping harmful bacteria away from your…Nov 8, 2021Nov 8, 2021
Hi, we are Lev Baby. Lev, meaning heart in Hebrew, is the true essence of Lev Baby.My mom’s goal in life was to have 5 kids. I put my whole heart (and still do!) into my babies and home life for over 8 years. And then, one…Jun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021